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2010-02-02 08:46 來源:外語教育網 打印 | 收藏 |

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  1 The price of vegetables fluctuates according to the weather.
  A jumps
  B rises
  C falls
  D changes

  2 Did you do that to irritate her?
  A tease
  B attract
  C annoy
  D protect

  3 Mary looked pale and weary.
  A ill
  B tired
  C worried
  D peaceful

  4 The water in this part of the river has been contaminated by sewage (污水).
  A polluted
  B downgraded
  C mixed
  D blackened

  5 Her treatment of the subject is exhaustive.
  A very boring
  B very thorough
  C very interesting
  D very touching

  6 Alice is a fascinating girl.,
  A a beautiful
  B a pretty
  C an attractive
  D a pleasant

  7 Her mood can be gauged by her reaction to the most trivial of incidents.
  A displayed
  B shown
  C proved
  D assessed

  8 The old lady let her flat to an English couple.
  A offered
  B rented
  C provided
  D sold

  9 She stood there, crying and trembling with fear.
  A shaking
  B staggering
  C struggling
  D murmuring

  10 They strolled around the lake for an hour or so.
  A ran
  B rolled
  C walked
  D raced
  11 The conclusion can be deduced from the premises.
  A argued
  B derived
  C permitted
  D come

  12 I can no longer tolerate his actions.
  A put up with
  B accept
  C take
  D suffer from

  13 Our plan is to allocate one member of staff to handle appointments.
  A ask
  B persuade
  C assign
  D order

  14 She has been the subject of massive media coverage.
  A extensive
  B negative
  C responsive
  D explosive

  15 I expect that she will be able to cater for your particular needs
  A supply
  B reach
  C provide
  D meet


  01. D  02. C  03. B  04. A  05. B

  06. C  07. D  08. B  09. A  10. C

  11. B  12. A  13. C  14. A  15. D

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會 搜

學員:chuhero 感謝周涵老師,職稱英語過了。我覺得應該在這里跟老師說聲謝謝,老師的講課很實用,針對性強,是很有學習價值的課程,如果你想通過職稱英語考試,就聽周老師的課程吧。

學員:王仁芝 我去年7月開始差不多從零學起,堅持到考試,考了72分,十分感謝老師及網校的輔導!

學員:lilizhangx 職稱英語通過了!畢業(yè)10年了,沒怎么接觸英語,跟著周涵老師學習,一次通過!

學員:張洪杰 首先感謝周涵老師,好多年沒有學習了,經過老師的講解順利過關,這已經出乎我的預料,真的很激動,終于沒讓老師們失望,通過了,很高興。

學員:xsqxxlxzj 十多年沒有學習過英語了,通過職業(yè)培訓教育網3個多月的學習,83分通過職稱英語綜合C級考試,非常感謝周涵老師,謝謝您!

學員:best888zhou 畢業(yè)以后就沒有翻過英語了,丟了有七年了,雖然以前基礎還不錯,但這次真的是沒有信心,過年后開始復習,用了差不多一個月的時間,B級綜合考了80分,很開心,謝謝周涵老師的細致講解!








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