代碼 名稱 英譯
121~122 存貨 inventories
1211 商品存貨 merchandise inventory
1212 寄銷商品 consigned goods
1213 在途商品 goods in transit
1219 備抵存貨跌價損失 allowance for reduction of inventory to market
1221 制成品 finished goods
1222 寄銷制成品 consigned finished goods
1223 副產品 by-products
1224 在制品 work in process
1225 委外加工 work in process - outsourced
1226 原料 raw materials
1227 物料 supplies
1228 在途原物料 materials and supplies in transit
1229 備抵存貨跌價損失 allowance for reduction of inventory to market
125 預付費用 prepaid expenses
1251 預付薪資 prepaid payroll
1252 預付租金 prepaid rents
1253 預付保險費 prepaid insurance
1254 用品盤存 office supplies
1255 預付所得稅 prepaid income tax
1258 其它預付費用 other prepaid expenses
126 預付款項 prepayments
1261 預付貨款 prepayment for purchases
1268 其它預付款項 other prepayments
128~129 其它流動資產 other current assets
1281 進項稅額 VAT paid ( or input tax)
1282 留抵稅額 excess VAT paid (or overpaid VAT)
1283 暫付款 temporary payments
1284 代付款 payment on behalf of others
1285 員工借支 advances to employees
1286 存出保證金 refundable deposits
1287 受限制存款 certificate of deposit-restricted
1291 遞延所得稅資產 deferred income tax assets
1292 遞延兌換損失 deferred foreign exchange losses
1293 業(yè)主(股東)往來 owners'(stockholders') current account
1294 同業(yè)往來 current account with others
1298 其它流動資產-其它 other current assets - other
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